Exploring the Heartland
29. listopadu 2022
16:00 - FF MU, Gorkého 8, učebna G25 (a online)
Zveme vás na přednášku Mgr. Aarona Plattnera (Universität Graz) s názvem Exploring the Heartland: Pausanias and his Account on Imperial Greece's pre-Roman Cultural Heritage.
- Introduction to Pausanias, his time, his work, his Nachleben, and modern scholarship
- The work’s descriptive sections (4 types)
- The work’s narrative sections (focus on Barbarians)
- Concluding the author’s unspoken intention
- Differences/similarities with the Periegesis of Dionysius from Alexandria
- Overall evaluation
Kontaktní osoba: Mgr. Libor Pruša (428617@mail.muni.cz)

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