Master studies
Master program students with major in Prehistoric Archaeology of the Near East need to reach 120 credits during their studies:
- 4 credits for exam in a world language (English, German, other)
- 116 credits in core program courses
The program's compulsory courses are focused on deepening the knowledge of the Arabic language. Students also pursue the topic of their diploma thesis. Out of the program's optional courses they may choose such that are in line with their topic of interest. Courses may be chosen from Prehistoric Archaeology of the Near East or others such as Archaeology, Classical Archaeology, Museology or Ancient History.
Useful links:
- General information for students of DCS
- Office for Studies
- PANE courses - catalogue
- Links on information related to studies
- Library catalogue MU (including electronic sources)
Master diploma thesis
Citation norm (Oxbow Publishing Guidelines):
Form of in text citation:
(Author Date, pages; Author Date, pages)
Form of bibliographical citation:
Author (Date) Title of article or book. Title of Journal Vol & Page numbers. Place, Publisher.
Bottema, S. (1974) Late Quaternary Vegetation History of North-Western Greece. Unpublished thesis, University of Groningen.
Lamb, H. H. and Tessier, L. (1987) Weather, Climate and Human Affairs. London, Routledge.
Serre-Bachet, F., Guiot, J. and Tessier, L. (1992a) La dendroclimatologie; pour une historie du climat. In Les veines du temps. Catalogue d’exposition, 93–119. Paris, Musée du Monde.
Cruise, G. M. (1990) Pollen stratigraphy of two Holocene peat sites. Review of Paleobotany and Palynology 63, 299–313.
Long, D. (1993) An ash fall within the Loch Lomond Stadial. Journal of Quarternary Science 2, 97–103.
Foster, I. D. L. and Grew, R. (1990) Magnitude and frequency of sediment transport in the Po valley. In J. Boardman (ed.) Soil Erosion of Agricultural Land, 36–56. New York, Wiley.
Warning: If your diploma thesis contains unpublished archaeological sources, you need to ask the Office for studies to hide this content.

Topics of successfully defended Master diploma theses:
- “Hear the cricket on the hearth”: An outline of more effective archaeological method for maximizing the information gain from prehistoric fire installations on example of Neolithic and Chalcolithic fire installations from Tepecik Çiftlik, Central Anatolia
- Materiality of Urartian Stone Inscriptions and its Implications
- Coiling basketry evidence from the Late Neolithic site Tell Arbid Abyad (Syria)
- Morphological Study of Sling Projectiles with Analysis of Clay Balls from the Late Neolithic Site Tell Arbid Abyad (Syria)
- The Burning of a House in Monjukli Depe (Turkmenistan)
- The Late Neolithic Pottery from the Khabur Basin during the second half of the 7th millenium: evidence from the Khabur Basin Project
- Analysis of Fine Ware Third Millenium BC Pottery from Khabur Basin Project in the area of Jebel Abd al-Aziz and Khabur Basin Regions: as a complementary Source of Information on Settlement Distribution Pattern