Library of the Department of Classical Studies

Where can you find us?

MUNI ARTS, Arna Nováka 1
building A, room A.217

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         LOAN HOURS OF THE LIBRARY         in the summer months   











All three of the department's sub-libraries are open during loan hours.

The study room is also open during loan hours. Upon agreement with the librarian, the study room can be made available on other days as well.

In case you want to loan more books at the same time or do not want to wait for the librarians to bring books from the depository, you can e-mail them the call numbers well in advance.


To communicate with our librarians, use
or phone extension: 4455

Olga Eremina


Modern Greek Library

Bc. Veronika Nagyová


Library of Classical Philology

Bc. Robin Škrabal


Library of Ancient History


Dear readers, the library is currently switching from the old ticket loan system to a new automated loan system based on the model of the Central Library of the Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University. Information on existing and long-term loans that have been made "on tickets", as well as data on whether a title is available for in house loan only, etc. must be transferred to this system individually. For this reason, it is only possible to order and reserve books from librarians (in person, by e-mail), not via the catalogue, as the data in the catalogue may not yet correspond to the actual situation. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact one of the librarians. Thank you for your understanding.

Library and operating regulations of the Central Library:
Addendum to the Library and operating regultations:
we do not provide interlibrary loan or photocopying services.

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