Overview of study programmes at the department
Bachelor's Degree
- Ancient History (in Czech) Per aspera ad astra
- Greek and Latin Studies (in Czech) Nemo nascitur sapiens, sed fit. “One is not born wise but becomes wise.” Seneca
- Mediterranean Studies (in Czech) Mare nostrum, nostra res - The Mediterranean, our world in miniature.
- Modern Greek Language and Literature (in Czech) Greek the language they gave me; poor the house on Homer's shores.
Follow-up Master's Degree
- Ancient History (in Czech) Know the the crossroads, the ups, mistakes and downs of four thousand years of human history.
- Ancient Greek Language and Literature (in Czech) To the roots of our civilization.
- Latin Language and Literature (in Czech) Nemo nascitur sapiens, sed fit. “No one is born to be wise, but will become.” Seneca
- Medieval Latin Language and Literature (in Czech) Instrue, quid possis, animum, ne discere cesses. Catonis Disticha moralia
- Medieval Latin Language and Literature (in English) Instrue, quid possis, animum, ne discere cesses. Catonis Disticha moralia
- Translation of Modern Greek (in Czech) New specialization in frame of the Translation of Modern European Languages programme
- Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in Latin Language and Literature (in Czech) Nemo nascitur sapiens, sed fit. “No one is born to be wise, but will become.” Seneca
Doctoral Studies
- Ancient History (in Czech) Scientia est potentia.
- Classical Philology (in Czech) Towards the roots of our civilization.
- Classical Philology (in English) A journey to the roots of our civilization.
- Medieval Latin Language and Literature (in Czech) Instrue, quid possis, animum, ne discere cesses. Catonis Disticha moralia