Bachelor studies
Bachelor program students with major in Prehistoric archaeology of the Near East (DCS, FA MU) need to reach 180 credits during their studies:
- 2 credits for compulsory sports courses
- 4 credits for a semester course in philosophy
- 4 credits for an exam in world language (German, English, or other)
- 160 credits for core program courses
- 10 credits for Bachelor diploma seminary
The core program courses are divided into compulsory and optional courses. The compulsory courses introduce the students to the topics of archaeology of the Near East and individual periods of the area from the Palaeolithic until the Iron Age. These are followed by courses on archaeological research and documentation both in field and in later post-processing of the data. Students are introduced to the specifics of excavations in the Near East and are educated in team work. An important part of the program is also the lectures of Modern Standard Arabic. Introduction to cultural anthropology and two excursions are also part of the compulsory courses.
The optional courses comprise extended courses on topic of archaeology of the Near East, material culture, Ancient Mesopotamian extinct languages and lectures related to cultural anthropology. Apart from Modern Standard Arabic, students may also attend courses of Turkish language. These courses are emphasized but the students may also choose from a varienty of optional courses in programs Archaeology, Classical Archaeology or Ancient History.
Useful links:
- General information for students of DCS
- Office for Studies
- PANE courses - catalogue
- Links on information related to studies
- Library catalogue MU (including electronic sources)
Bachelor diploma thesis
Citation norm (Oxbow Publishing Guidelines):
Form of in text citation:
(Author Date, pages; Author Date, pages)
Form of bibliographical citation:
Author (Date) Title of article or book. Title of Journal Vol & Page numbers. Place, Publisher.
Bottema, S. (1974) Late Quaternary Vegetation History of North-Western Greece. Unpublished thesis, University of Groningen.
Lamb, H. H. and Tessier, L. (1987) Weather, Climate and Human Affairs. London, Routledge.
Serre-Bachet, F., Guiot, J. and Tessier, L. (1992a) La dendroclimatologie; pour une historie du climat. In Les veines du temps. Catalogue d’exposition, 93–119. Paris, Musée du Monde.
Cruise, G. M. (1990) Pollen stratigraphy of two Holocene peat sites. Review of Paleobotany and Palynology 63, 299–313.
Long, D. (1993) An ash fall within the Loch Lomond Stadial. Journal of Quarternary Science 2, 97–103.
Foster, I. D. L. and Grew, R. (1990) Magnitude and frequency of sediment transport in the Po valley. In J. Boardman (ed.) Soil Erosion of Agricultural Land, 36–56. New York, Wiley.
Warning: If your diploma thesis contains unpublished archaeological sources, you need to ask the Office for studies to hide this content.

Topics of successfully defended Bachelor diploma theses:
- Near-Eastern Tannurs Now & Then: A Close-Up View of Bread Ovens with Respect to the Archaeological Evidence and Selected Ethnographical Examples
- Re-assessment of Objects Referred to as Sling Missiles in the Prehistoric Archaeology of the Near East
- Basketry impressions on sealings from the Late Neolithic site Tell Arbid Abyad (Syria)
- Implementation of phosphate field-analysis in arid regions: A proposal for the site Monjukli Depe, Turkmenistan
- Morphometric analysis of PPNB stone projectile points from Tell Halula in northern Syria during the second half of the 8th millennium cal. BC
- Hydraulic Installations and Water Management in Late Chalcolithic / Early Bronze Age NW-Arabia: A Proposal for Further Research
- Strainers: Observations on a distinct type of Neolithic and Chalcolithic pottery in the Khabur Valley (Northeastern Syria)
- Fine Ware Ninivite 5 from Khabur Basin Project
- "Discovering Near East" - An investigation of the personal, cultural, and job-related experience of students of the Prehistoric Archaeology of the Near East (PANE) Department participating in excavations in countries of the Near East
- Burials of Infants and Children in the Khabur Region and Eski Mosul Region during the Third Millennium BC
- Siege of Lachish
- Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene settlement in Oman: the state of research
- The Study of Halaf pottery from the Eastern Khabur Archaeological Survey (EHAS) in Iraqi Kurdistan