Latin Day also took place in Brno for the first time
It was attended by almost 200 high school students. A part of the programme was connected online with Prague in both ways.
This happened after the current head of the department, doc. Radová assumed the position of Dean of the Faculty on 1 April. A selection procedure is currently underway for all heads of departments, the results of which will be known at the end of May.
From 1 April, the current head of the Department of Classical Studies, doc. Irena Radová took up the position of Dean of the Faculty of Arts of MU, to which she was elected by the Faculty Academic Senate in January. Thus, the management of the department was entrusted to doc. Katarina Petrovićová for the period until 30 May 2022 with the current deputies, i.e., dr. Bočková Loudová and doc. Mutlová. As of 1 June, the winner of the selection procedure, which is currently underway for the positions of all heads of academic departments at the faculty, will take over the management.
It was attended by almost 200 high school students. A part of the programme was connected online with Prague in both ways.
Another chapter of The Tale of the Dog and the Cat was translated by students of the Department of Classical Studies as part of a course on Latin translations of modern works.