Wi-Fi connection during the conference
Connection via Eduroam
If your home institution provides a Wi-Fi connection via Eduroam network, you can connect via Eduroam network in all Masaryk University buildings too.
More about Eduroam at Masaryk University here.
Connection via the guest account
You can also connect to Eduroam via the guest account. All participants that provided their email address, find their login and password inside their blue folder received at registration.
Not secured data transfer
Network name: MUNI
Login: GuestXYZ (e.g. Guest12345, for your personal login, see your blue folder)
Secured data transfer
Network name: eduroam
Login: GuestXYZ@eduroam.muni.cz (e.g. Guest12345@eduroam.muni.cz, for your personal login see your blue folder, for network connection instructions click here).
If you have a problem with the connection, please ask the conference staff.